PDF format is one of the highly accepted formats in the digital media. Freemore JPG to PDF Converter is an easy document conversion utility designed to convert JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF and many other images into a single PDF. You can set the generated PDF metadata such as title, author, subject, keyword, etc.
PDF has changed into one of the most indispensable documents in the daily office applications today. Sometimes, it is necessary for the people in the offices to make a lot of the JPG format images into the PDF file format files. However, there will be a great amount of troubles to you if you convert it one by one. Freemore JPG to PDF Converter is designed to support the batch conversions among different images formats into a single PDF file. Most importantly, with Freemore JPG to PDF Converter, you can rotate the image and customize the paper size & compression type. Therefore, it can ultimately reduce the time for you to scan and edit the image files.
PDF eBooks become more and more popular recently, this case happens occasionally in people's life: you have taken a lot of pictures during the vocation, you want to select some beautiful ones to put together as a PDF eBook for sharing, however, you need to convert these images to PDF document. Freemore JPG to PDF Converter is an easy to use, document conversion utility designed to convert JPG/JPEG into PDF files with accurately preserving the layout of original image files. Other image formats like PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF and more also can be converted to searchable PDF files. Just create image PDFs with a lightweight and easy to use tool for office use or other purpose!
Converting scan to PDF is security and the ability to be easily accessed in different platforms, so it is the time to scan paper documents to PDF format on your computer for digital archiving or backup. Freemore JPG to PDF Converter scans paper documents into achievable PDF documents in just a few clicks, even with a flatbed scanner. Any PDF document containing pictures, signatures and text can be scanned into a professional multi-page PDF documents for archiving and filing, saving clutter and space.
The built-in image editor of Freemore JPG to PDF Converter makes it possible to adjust both scanned and local images before conversion. The images can be rotated by 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree in clockwise rotation or anticlockwise rotation if they are crooked or not the upright position. With selection tool, you can crop images to your own size; crop image selection to clipboard and paste to other picture editors to create new images; as well as clear selected image area if wrong area is selected. Unexpectedly, it even allows you to roll back to the previous version of the image when mistakes are made, as the unlimited Undo and Redo functions are provided.
The output PDF quality can be specified by paper size and compression. The default PDF papersize is A4, which works in most cases, but of course you can still choose the one that perfectly meets the requirements from A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B5, Letter, Legal, Ledger, etc. Output compression methods like JPEG, RLE, G3Fax and G4Fax are also available to produce excellent output quality. In a word, the software gives the output quality without having any error and any loss, which is highly helpful in making good presentations of PDF file.
Freemore JPG to PDF Converter enables you to send PDF files without changing the original by Outlook with one-click e-mail attachments. It helps handle email-based communication more efficiently and simplify email search and retrieval, bridging the gap between Outlook and your files. This is the best alternative to fax documents - cheaper, faster and better quality than a fax, so that you can quickly share PDF files (this could be a letter, statement, contract, magazine article or just about anything) with friends and colleagues.
The inbuilt independent and lean viewer allows you to open, view, and print PDF documents in an embedded or stand-alone, individually configurable, secure PDF viewing control. The PDF previewer enables you to zoom in/out and Fit Width/Height/Page or switch between pages with First, Previous, Next & Last buttons to preview PDF document. In image viewer window, you can use Zoom in/out, Fit Width/Page and 100% as needed for better image preview. It is generally suitable for use in all corporate areas to preserve memory resources, reduce load times and minimize security risks.
Freemore JPG to PDF Converter provides a password protection function for users to add password to PDF files to control who has access to your PDF file. The protection encrypts the contents of the PDF so it can't be previewed, printed or indexed, then it applies a password. On contrary, you can remove the password added to unlock PDF file to modify, print or copy secured files.
The digital signature tool helps apply digital signatures to pivotal business PDF documents to identify and authenticate the originator of the information or verify that information has not been altered after it is signed.
The Document Properties dialog box allows you to add some metadata to your PDF file, like Title, Author, Subject & Keywords and you may customize the Name and Value. It shows the security status and fonts of your PDF. You may change how a PDF file is displayed (view layout) with options like Navigation tab, Magnification, Page layout & set the starting page. In this way, it is useful to complete your PDF properties and identify your PDF document in search results.
All widely usable image formats including JPG/JPEG, TIF, TIFF, BMP, GIF, PNG, EMF, WMF, JPE, ICO, JFIF, PCX, PSD, PCD, TGA and many more are supported by this free JPG to PDF converter software. Any images can be converted to professional PDF files.
Freemore JPG to PDF Converter offers a Microsoft Office-style Ribbon interface. Tasks and tools are separated into tabs, grouped by functionality, and represented graphically with easy-to-understand text labels, providing an immediately familiar user interface that won't leave you searching for help. There is no technical knowledge needed, even beginners can do the conversion without troubles.
Freemore JPG to PDF Converter is totally free to use. It contains no adware, spyware or any other malicious components. It's 100% clean and reliable to install and run. Most importantly, it is standalone software, Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other third party software is not required. You don't need to install any version of Adobe Acrobat to perform all the operations.
We promise our software will be 100% free, 100% clean, forever!
What does Freemore JPG to PDF Converter?
Freemore JPG to PDF Converter is a straightforward yet sophisticated converter specifically designed to convert numerous image files - JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIF, GIF, G3Fax, G4Fax, RLE, etc. into PDF files. With this smart conversion utility you can convert multiple images to a single PDF file to make your own PDF photo album or PDF eBook![More...]
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